Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unity or Dis-Unity

"Marriage can only move two ways. It can either move towards unity or it can move towards dis-unity. It never stays in one place." - Pastor Tom Hux (One of the most brilliant people I have ever met.)

When I heard this the other day I thought, "Excuse me? Not true...Ryan and I are fine. We aren't going backwards, we aren't moving towards dis-unity, ok, maybe we haven't fostered some great quality time recently, but doesn't that mean we are just "holding court" for the time being? That's ok for now right?" Sadly, for me, wrong. The more I thought about it, the more I realized, just like always, he was right, and I was wrong. Crap. The thought of Ryan and I moving towards dis-unity scares me. I get it, the point is to always being moving towards unity, to always be "working on each other." Geez, that's crazy hard work!! I mean he's a football coach, that would mean during the season we are always moving towards dis-unity right? Wrong again Emily. (Sensing a pattern here?) Let's face it, I am LAZY! When you think of relationships in general only moving two ways, towards unity or dis-unity, that's a lot to wrap your head around. That's a ton of work!! I guess creativity is key here, on both of our parts. And I suppose it's natural to sometimes move backward as long as you then take major steps to move forward. Friendships, co-workers, etc, do those relationships have the same movement? This is exhausting to think about!! Pastor Tom did one thing though, he deffenitly got his point across. I get it Tom!! You don't have to scream it at me! (Just kidding, he would never do that.) The bottom line: More movement towards unity, less towards dis-unity. Easier said then done :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Last night Ryan got home at like 3am. (Not so unusual for a football coach.) Instead of watching film though he was at a banquet with a huge amount of high school and college football coaches. This morning he was telling me about one speaker in particular with whom he was very taken with. Of course, as usual, could I tell you his name? No honey. I wasn't listening to that part. (Excuse me, but the new Lady Gaga song was on the radio.) Anyways, he said the coach said something like, "Friends are like elevators, they either take you up, or they take you down." Ryan was going on and on about some other happenings at the banquet, and as the new Lady Gaga song ended, I began to think about the elevators in my life. I started to think about my family, of course they are the biggest elevator in my life. (Mom, you are the first person I thought of.) Then I thought back to the last year, and how so many more "elevators" made their way into my life. And it seems as though as I get older, ok 27 isn't ancient, I realize how those elevators heading down really take a toll on you. (At least as I get older I can recognize the south heading elevators faster.) I thought professionally, at my job, about the elevators that are more like mentors, and teach and encourage. (Shot out to you Nichole.) Those are one type. Then I thought about the elevators who have served as second Mom's and Dad's out here in Monmouth, that help with the kids and regularly attend my fitness classes. (Shot out to you Wayne, Merilyn, Tom, Carly, Brian, Dawn...the list goes on.) That's a whole different kind of elevator, one you didn't see coming, but are so thankful is taking you up a floor. I also thought about the elevators you don't see a whole lot, but you know if you call on them, they will surely take you up a floor if you need it. (Love you Heather and Madison.) Finally, I thought about my husband. I thought about even during the season when our time is very limited together how he is the biggest elevator in my life, I could be basement level and he always can take me to the penthouse suite. Then, lastly, I thought how awesome it was that I get an elevator that is constantly going up a floor for the rest of my life. Somehow, that makes dealing with the few that I meet that are heading South a lot easier to manage. I wonder what kind of elevators you're taking a ride with?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Here goes absolutely nothing...well, maybe something?

So here it goes...my first blogging expirience. I have been telling my husband Ryan for like a year that I want to start my own blog. Why? Not sure. Maybe I have a desperate need for attention? Maybe I thought, "People could care what I have to say!" Most likely they won't, but that's not stopping me now honey! I know what you're thinking, "Another Fabulous Football Wife?" What the hell is that? We ARE out there honey!! And no, I am not talking about Mrs. Bellotti. Sorry Duck fans, but she really screwed the rest of us football wives. We are a really rare breed, it's true. Why? We are married to two different people. The first, our actual husband. Love him honey! But, we are also married to "The Football Coach." My husband's other title also includes Offensive Coordinator. (Love him too honey!) You might think, "That's not so bad, you get to be married to two different men? That's hot girl, I only get one!" Let me assure you it's not. It's not terrible, it's just different. So that's why I thought, "Hmmm...I could write about this, maybe my family would read it." (Thanks Mom.) In no way in this blog am I even attempting to solve the economic crisis or anything, I'm just Another Fabulous Football Wife with an equally fabulous, given sometimes loud, mouth. (Shot out to you Aunt Janet.) Creative writing was acutally the only thing I was good at in school, so let's put that to the test! Hopefully you don't feel like you've lost the last 3 minutes of you life!!